Packing for college may seem incredibly difficult when you're moving items accumulated over the course of nearly two decades into a car or even a few suitcases. Chances are you're packing items you won't touch once in your cramped dorm and they're just taking up space. We've listed items you don't need to bring or buy when you begin your college journey: Your entire wardrobe: Before looking at your closet and deciding to pack it all, take into account what items you have worn within the past few months. The best way to find out what items you actually wear is to turn all the hangers backward into your wardrobe a few months before you have to leave. When you're ready to pack, don't select items that have hangers still in the wrong position. Closets in dorms are small, so bringing a dress you haven't worn since your Bat Mitzvah is not in your best interest. Furniture: It's always best to check photos available for your dorm to see what the room has waiting for you upon arrival. It is more than typical to have a lamp, chair, desk, bed, bed frame and some type of storage already in the dorm room. Decor: A little decoration here and there with fun photos of your friends and family can definitely brighten up an otherwise boring space. There is no need to take it much farther than that because you will be there for a short 9 months. Throw pillows or cutesy trinkets will make your already small space feel even more cramped. Textbooks: Hear us out on this one. Many of times you'll consider the only place to purchase books is in the school's bookstore. There are affordable sources where you can rent books for the semester or quarter like Amazon, Chegg, TextbookRentals, Campus Book Rentals, Student2Student and more. There are also sites that compare all prices available for your book so you can get the best deal. But better yet, do not buy your book before your first class when you review the syllabus. Oftentimes, teachers will tell you that some of the books are unnecessary, you can share with a classmate or rent one of the many they hold in the school library. Printer: You do not need to bring a printer because colleges typically have several all over campus. It is also just another bulky item to cart to college and take up limited desk space. Duplicates: Always remember to coordinate with your roommate for larger items and appliances like a mini-fridge, microwave, coffee maker, etc. so you don't bring duplicates of shareable items. Book collection: You do not need to bring your collection of favorite reads because you probably won't have a ton of downtime with the social events, and coursework. Especially, if you're in a new city or town, take that time to explore or meet new people. School Supplies: Binders are not needed for each and every class so to instead save room in your backpack, you can use a few slim folders. College supplies are often listed on the syllabus if they are out of the ordinary but the essentials should be enough. There is no need to go above and beyond unless your major requires unique calculators or other tools. College Gadgets: Over the closet door shoe organizers, under bed storage, stackable bins, are all organizers that don't need to be purchased before you move in. It is best to order what you find necessary on Amazon after moving all your belongings into your space, but only if it betters the space. Bulky Luggage: If your family is dropping you off at college, it's best for them to bring home the large luggage. Keep a compact carry on for your trips home. It is best to come to college with the bare necessities for your dorm room, so you don't overcrowd the space with items when you arrive. We recommend ordering as you go after you have completely moved in. Most of all, have an amazing time in your first year of college and don't get too carried away during your local trip to Target or Bed, Bath & Beyond. Only grab dorm room essentials while you prepare for college.